Update: As of 12/21/06, after re-sending the same email on the 12th, no reply…
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 06:17:25 -0600
From: Michael
To: dnsadmin@networksolutions.com, nocsupervisor@networksolutions.com
Subject: Poorly configured records for resalehost.networksolutions.com
I understand from a bit of searching that Network Solutions replaces or wildcards expired domains with records for resalehost.networksolutions.com, however, this practice is completely misconfigured, and has been so for at least 2 years from old mailing list posts I have found. There are many reports of serious load problems that this practice causes on caching nameservers around the world, and my company has recently seen a large number of occurrences of this issue.
It would be greatly appreciated if someone with some detailed knowledge of DNS RFCs fixes this problem once and for all, for I, personally, am growing weary of being paged in the middle of the night, to find massive amounts of queries for resalehost.networksolutions.com…
It would be quite simple for Network Solutions to reconfigure the wildcard to something proper, or perhaps to do the same as almost every other domain registrar, and simply let old domain records expire, which would result in resolution failure, instead of replacing or wildcarding the expired records improperly, against RFCs, creating a far worse problems for the internet in general.
Please, feel free to contact me on this matter, if you wish.
Kind Regards,
DNS Systems
06:11:24.340034 IP xx.xx.xx.xx.1804 > yy.yy.yy.yy.53: 256+ MX? resalehost.networksolutions.com. (49)
06:11:24.340332 IP xx.xx.xx.xx.1805 > yy.yy.yy.yy.53: 256+ MX? resalehost.networksolutions.com. (49)
06:11:24.340656 IP xx.xx.xx.xx.1806 > yy.yy.yy.yy.53: 256+ MX? resalehost.networksolutions.com. (49)
06:11:24.340949 IP xx.xx.xx.xx.1807 > yy.yy.yy.yy.53: 256+ MX? resalehost.networksolutions.com. (49)
06:11:24.341253 IP xx.xx.xx.xx.1808 > yy.yy.yy.yy.53: 256+ MX? resalehost.networksolutions.com. (49)
06:11:24.341563 IP xx.xx.xx.xx.1809 > yy.yy.yy.yy.53: 256+ MX? resalehost.networksolutions.com. (49)
06:11:24.341876 IP xx.xx.xx.xx.1810 > yy.yy.yy.yy.53: 256+ MX? resalehost.networksolutions.com. (49)
06:11:24.342184 IP xx.xx.xx.xx.1811 > yy.yy.yy.yy.53: 256+ MX? resalehost.networksolutions.com. (49)
06:11:24.342490 IP xx.xx.xx.xx.1812 > yy.yy.yy.yy.53: 256+ MX? resalehost.networksolutions.com. (49)
06:11:24.342797 IP xx.xx.xx.xx.1813 > yy.yy.yy.yy.53: 256+ MX? resalehost.networksolutions.com. (49)
06:11:24.343101 IP xx.xx.xx.xx.1814 > yy.yy.yy.yy.53: 256+ MX? resalehost.networksolutions.com. (49)
06:11:24.343412 IP xx.xx.xx.xx.1815 > yy.yy.yy.yy.53: 256+ MX? resalehost.networksolutions.com. (49)
06:11:24.343718 IP xx.xx.xx.xx.1816 > yy.yy.yy.yy.53: 256+ MX? resalehost.networksolutions.com. (49)
06:11:24.344022 IP xx.xx.xx.xx.1817 > yy.yy.yy.yy.53: 256+ MX? resalehost.networksolutions.com. (49)
06:11:24.344330 IP xx.xx.xx.xx.1818 > yy.yy.yy.yy.53: 256+ MX? resalehost.networksolutions.com. (49)
06:11:24.344666 IP xx.xx.xx.xx.1819 > yy.yy.yy.yy.53: 256+ MX? resalehost.networksolutions.com. (49)
06:11:24.344974 IP xx.xx.xx.xx.1820 > yy.yy.yy.yy.53: 256+ MX? resalehost.networksolutions.com. (49)
06:11:24.345282 IP xx.xx.xx.xx.1821 > yy.yy.yy.yy.53: 256+ MX? resalehost.networksolutions.com. (49)
8489 packets captured
8644 packets received by filter
44 packets dropped by kernel
mshuler@cachens1-1:~$ host resalehost.networksolutions.com
resalehost.networksolutions.com CNAME resalehost.networksolutions.com
resalehost.networksolutions.com CNAME resalehost.networksolutions.com
resalehost.networksolutions.com CNAME resalehost.networksolutions.com
resalehost.networksolutions.com CNAME resalehost.networksolutions.com
resalehost.networksolutions.com CNAME resalehost.networksolutions.com
resalehost.networksolutions.com CNAME resalehost.networksolutions.com
resalehost.networksolutions.com CNAME resalehost.networksolutions.com
resalehost.networksolutions.com CNAME resalehost.networksolutions.com
resalehost.networksolutions.com CNAME resalehost.networksolutions.com
resalehost.networksolutions.com CNAME resalehost.networksolutions.com
resalehost.networksolutions.com CNAME resalehost.networksolutions.com
Possible CNAME loop
mshuler@cachens1-1:~$ dig resalehost.networksolutions.com
;resalehost.networksolutions.com. IN A
resalehost.networksolutions.com. 805 IN CNAME
resalehost.networksolutions.com. 805 IN CNAME
networksolutions.com. 206 IN NS ns3.netsol.com.
networksolutions.com. 206 IN NS ns1.netsol.com.
networksolutions.com. 206 IN NS ns2.netsol.com.
ns3.netsol.com. 71502 IN A
ns1.netsol.com. 71502 IN A
ns2.netsol.com. 71502 IN A
;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Dec 6 06:13:04 2006
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 186