Debian Sarge(ish) x86-64 Xen Installation

Following along a great article, titled, “Debian Sid gets Xen 3.0”, I set up a minimal Debian Sarge AMD64 install from debian-31r0a-amd64-netinst.iso for use as a Xen development server. The full text of this post contains my step-by-step how-to on my successful installation.

I ran a default netinstall installation, selecting no additional software packages, and used the “multi-user workstation” partitioning scheme, which segregates the /, /usr, /var, /tmp, and /home partitions, with most of the disk using /home, where the Xen virtual machines will reside.

Bang the link below for my full notes!

Continue reading Debian Sarge(ish) x86-64 Xen Installation

lftp> mirror

I have been a big ncftp user for many years, and I am really starting to like lftp – escaping the lftp shell for command-line access and the way lftp maintains session persistance through re-authentication have made me a believer.

I found a little mirroring issue with the Smarty cache from the CMS application, CMSMadeSimple, that I am using for a site, and found the following works nicely to mirror to my local working directory, while excluding the Smarty cache files:

lftp> mirror --no-umask -x tmp/templates_c/* -e
Total: 138 directories, 1004 files, 0 symlinks
Removed: 0 directories, 3 files, 0 symlinks

I need to tinker a little with reverse mirroring options to get things just right 😉


A Must Read: “Three Cups of Tea”

A book for our friends, our country, our leaders, our time.

“The first time you share tea with a Balti, you are a stranger. The second time you take tea, you are an honored guest. The third time you share a cup of tea, you become part of the family,” Mortenson recalls Haji Ali as saying.

Buy it from Amazon using the link at and the Central Asia Institute will get a small donation from your purchase.

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Warm Regards,

SSH Connection Sharing

Very slick! No additional login to the same user@host for multiple shells or scp, if you are already logged in 😉

michael@ares: ~ $ cat .ssh/config
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/ssh_control_%h_%p_%r

That’s it!