New Server!

Roxane and all,

We have been on an excellent production server, in one of the data centers where I work, for a couple of months. The new Gallery install is up and running with 445 images to dig through! The albums and images need the titles edited, but that will be another day! I have two exposed rolls of film to take for developing, so should have a few more photos up there, shortly. Roxane has lots of words, and can string 2 or 3 together sometimes, and she should have a few sentences down in no time! Thanks for stopping by!


New Server?


I have fixed a few of the broken links on your site – they were absolute paths, and needed to be relative paths to work in the current directory structure. I still need to get Gallery installed, and reload all the current images I have, but Gallery will make the images a lot easier to maintain, in the long run. A couple of work friends an I are talking about leasing a server in our data center, so this test server may remain a test box, and may finally be on a proper network.


Rebellious Streak


I lost a few notes after installing Gallery, and updating a few things on a set of small drives in the new server. I then swapped out the small drives for larger ones in a RAID array, and moved to a new FreeBSD OS install. I need to rebuild Gallery, so hang in there – I do have some more new photos to load up here. There are too few hours in the day. Roxane is just lovely, she has a little rebellious streak some days, and I cannot imagine where she got it from 😉 Time to sleep – it is late.
